dario en albalearning

Rubén Darío

"Birth of the cabbage"

Biografía de Rubén Darío en AlbaLearning




On Paradise, on the glorious day when flowers were created, and before Eve was tempted by the serpent, the evil spirit approached the most beautiful of all the roses on the moment she was spreading the red virginity of her petals to the warm rays of the sun in the sky.

- You are beautiful. 
- I know I am. 
- Beautiful and happy. You have colour, gracefulness, perfume; but... 
- But?... 
- You are not useful. Don't you see those trees full of acorns? They, besides giving shade, give also food to many living beings that rest below their branches. Rose, to be beautiful is not enough...

The rose then - tempted as the woman would later be tempted - wished to become useful, and her glamour paled.

The next day God came her way.

- Father - said the flower princess, trembling in her perfumed beauty - will you make me useful? 
- Be it so, my daughter - said the Lord and smiled.

And then the world saw the first cabbage.


Obra en Español



Índice del Autor

Cuentos Infantiles y Juveniles

Cuentos de Navidad

Cuentos de Amor

Misterio y Terror